Our Vocations:
Vocations Prayer

Prayers For Vocations – Catholic Archdiocese of Perth

Loving God,

You are the Lord who has a great plan for the world and for each one of us.

In your merciful love, you invite us to belong to you completely, to live a life of holiness by our loving service of others.

Send us your Holy Spirit so that through the guidance and encouragement of our family and parish community, we may listen to your call and follow the way of our Good Shepherd.

Call from among your faithful  people, priests and deacons after your own heart to serve the Catholic community of Perth.

We pray for the faith and courage to say Yes to whatever vocation you are calling us to – married life, single life, religious life, or ordained ministry.

We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord, and the loving intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary.
