Our Vocations:
Life to the Full

No vocation is born of itself or lives for itself. A vocation flows from the heart of God and blossoms in the good soil of faithful people, in the experience of fraternal love.

Pope Francis on the 51st World Day of Prayer for Vocations

We often hear across many communities, societies and cultures the saying of ” being called” or “having a calling.” Fundamentally, that translates to a sense that there is something you were meant to or become, a mission or a destiny that is unique to you.

Our life’s calling is what makes us feel that life is meaningful because it allows us to exercise and act on our passion, leading us to live a purposeful life. 

In our Catholic community, such callings are referred to as a Vocation, and they look different for every person. For example, there is the calling to priesthood or the religious life and then there is a calling for a couple to choose to create a family based on Christs’ teachings.

At the core of our Vocation is an invitation to experience God’s deep love for us and to go forth and share that love generously through our service to others. 

Through embracing and sharing our calling – our Vocations – we can experience connections, community, care, support and service – all of the important elements as we build relationships with each other and as we share God’s care, welcome and love, wherever, whenever and to whoever. 

Such an embrace of our Vocations helps us to live “Life to the Full.” 

Our Vocations Office invites you to embrace your calling and generously share Christ’s call for us to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”