WA/SA/NT Diocesan Vocations Directors Discuss Challenges and Opportunities at Perth Gathering 

The Archdiocese of Perth recently hosted a significant meeting of Vocations Directors from the Western and Central dioceses of Australia. Coordinated by the Perth Vocations Office, the two-day gathering took place on 27 – 28 May 2024 at St Charles Seminary, thanks to the gracious invitation of the rector, Fr Francis Nguyen. 

Vocations Directors from Western Australia, South Australia, and the Northern Territory came together in Perth to tackle the pressing challenges and explore new opportunities in promoting of vocations into married life, ordained ministry, single life & religious life. The gathering focused on sharing insights, strategies, and collaborative approaches to address the evolving landscape of vocations within the Catholic Church in Australia. 

The gathering was attended by the following: 

  • Fr Dean Marin, Vicar General and Vocations Director from the Archdiocese of Adelaide 
  • Fr Harold Camonias, Vocations Director from the Diocese of Port Pirie, SA 
  • Fr Tai Trinh, newly appointed Vocations Director from the Diocese of Geraldton, WA 
  • Fr Pierangelo dela Cruz Repuyan, Vocations Director from the Diocese of Bunbury, WA 
  • Jet Bautista and Fr Kenneth Acosta representing the Perth Vocations Office, WA 
  • Fr Dean Taberdo & Deacon Shehan Fernando, co-Vocations Director from the Diocese of Darwin, NT who attended online 
  • Fr Khalid Marogi, National Director of the Australian Clergy Life and Ministry and Migrants and Refugees Office. 

Day one: Discovering the evolving landscape of vocations in Australia. 

On Monday 27 May, the Vocations Directors each shared a diocesan report which highlighted several key challenges and trends in promoting vocations locally, whilst Fr Khalid Marogi presented a national trend on vocations within the Catholic Church of Australia.  

The reports indicated some universal experiences when it comes to promoting vocations in the 21st century and across dioceses. The Directors all noted the cultural change of those discerning and inquiring into the ordained ministry vocations journey. The Directors identified the need for cultural diversity training and integration as part of creating a more supportive system for anyone looking into choosing a vocation pathway.  

Several Vocations Directors emphasised the opportunity for new and innovative approaches to engage young people in all types of vocations, with suggestions of collaborative efforts between parishes and schools to foster a more supportive environment for young people to explore their vocations. 

In addition, the Directors recognised the value of involving seminarians, clergy, families and parishioners to create engagement, mentorship and role modeling to encourage vocations from a young age. Many Directors recounted how personal invitations to discern sometimes spark interests in religious life.  

The first day meeting concluded with the need for innovative, collaborative approaches to promoting religious vocations, with the following recommendations and forward-looking strategies being discussed: 

  • Collaborative Efforts: Encouraging collaboration between parishes and schools to create a supportive environment for youth. 
  • National Framework: Developing a national framework for vocations promotion to ensure a cohesive approach across dioceses. 
  • Cultural Integration: Providing sessions and resources on interculturality and pastoral vision for incoming clergy and seminarians from diverse backgrounds. 
  • Support Systems: Enhancing support systems for Vocations Directors through training, resources, and peer collaboration. 

Day two: Formation and the critical role of vocations in the Church

The second day of the Vocations Directors Meeting, focused on presentations and discussions on formation and the critical role of vocations in the Church.  

In his formation presentation, Fr. Dean highlighted the importance of empowering the laity while promoting vocations and discussed the balance between supporting the priesthood and lay involvement. He emphasised that every baptised individual has a unique vocation, be it single life, married life, priesthood, or religious life, stressing the foundational role of baptism. 

The Archdiocese’s Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton provided insights into the evolution of seminary training and the importance of spiritual and human formation in his presentation. Bishop Don highlighted the need for ongoing discernment and the significance of understanding Jesus Christ in the formation process. 

Dean of St Mary’s Cathedral – Very Rev Dr Sean Fernandez – then led an important discussion on the challenges and importance of pastoral accompaniment and empowerment. The discussions highlighted that effective pastoral ministry involves listening, understanding, and walking alongside the community members, ultimately leading to a more vibrant and supportive church environment. 

Seminary life and Taste of the Valley rounded the 2024 WA/SA/NT Vocations Directors Gathering  

Amidst reports on vocations and insightful discussions on formation, Vocations Directors enjoyed Perth’s hospitality. They shared morning tea with Redemptoris Mater and lunches with St. Charles seminarians.  

The gathering wrapped up with a special “Taste of the Valley” event – which also doubled as a seminarian wellbeing event – where Directors and Bishop Don joined seminarians and their Rectors for a tasting of Swan Valley’s local produce at Olive Farm Winery (with special live music performance by the Redemptoris Mater Seminarians). 

Inspire and empower future vocations 

The 2024 WA/SA/NT Vocations Directors Gathering concluded with a summary and feedback session. There the Directors agreed that the gathering underscored a collective commitment to fostering vocations and highlighted the dynamic interplay between clergy and laity in the mission of the Church. Attending Vocations Directors also shared their feelings of renewed sense of confidence and strategies to inspire and empower future vocations across the dioceses. 

The Perth Vocations Office thanks Fr Francis and his team at St Charles Seminary for their hospitality, Fr Michael and his seminarians for being involved, Fr Sean and Fr Kenneth for their contributions and special thanks to Bishop Don, Fr Minh-Thuy and Fr Vincent Glynn for their spiritual advice, support and leadership prior and during the gathering.