Welcome to the Vocations Office

Supporting all members of our community who are searching for ways to act on their calling from God

A message from Fr Joseph Laundy,
Vocations Director

As Director of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Perth, I welcome you to the heart of the Perth Vocations Office.

Vocations are at the core of the Church’s mission, as a testament to God’s continuing call to His people. Whether it is a call to the priesthood, religious life, or dedicated lay ministry, each vocation – your vocation – enriches our faith communities and ensures the growth and vitality of the Church.

The Vocations Office creates an environment where individuals, like yourselves, can freely discern God’s call. I am committed to supporting each and every one of you on your journey of discovery and providing the resources and guidance needed to respond to this divine invitation.

As we embark on this journey together, I am inspired by the words of Pope John Paul II in his apostolic exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis, where he states, “I will give you shepherds after my own heart” (Jeremiah 3:15). This profound promise reminds us of God’s unwavering commitment to providing shepherds for His people. It is our sacred duty to foster and nurture these vocations, ensuring that those called to serve can respond with joy and confidence.

If you are discerning or thinking about what God may be asking you, consider getting in contact. We offer programs, including discernment retreats, vocation workshops, and one-on-one spiritual direction to assist you in your discernment process. These initiatives are designed to help you seek an understand and embrace your calling.

Life to the full

Vocations is a call to holiness, or sanctification, or more simply faithfulness, is a call to love: to love God and to love our neighbour. The particular pathway where we live out this call to love is our vocation – in single life, marriage, priesthood/ordained ministry, religious life, or other life endeavours

Vocations resources

We invite everyone within our community to access the following resources – stories, presentations, personal accounts, and more – to help nurture your vocation – God’s call to love. 

Get involved, get connected,
get in touch!

The Vocations Office is here to support the nurturing of God’s call to love each other that exists in each of us. The Office offers presentations to schools, universities, groups whilst also holding community events for anyone to join.